Wednesday, March 19, 2014

High School Genesis Winter Retreat in Pictures

So, last month we had an amazing retreat to Genesis in Traverse City. 
Here are some pictures from our trip!

It was amazing to see over 1500 high school students ready to praise God

We had several main sessions in which we heard a great worship band called Rush of Fools

Even got to meet the band

Shane Claiborne was the speaker for the weekend. He gave very powerful talks about how to be a Christian in the modern world and what it means to actually follow Jesus and to take his teachings seriously. 


When we weren't in sessions, we did some fun things.
Like play archery tag...

This is basically dodge ball with bows and arrows.

The girls even busted out matching headbands

and the guys...

Of course, there was an actual dodge ball tournament as well

We also attended some seminars. Like the one that Shane Claiborne held.

We even got to meet him and get a few of his books signed. 

another main session

And we went to a rap concert by Heath McNease and company.

It was a very powerful weekend for everyone, and I am so excited to head back in 2016. 
If you want to know more, ask any of the high schoolers who attended. They will be happy to tell you all about it!

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